- Once every year for the outpatient department, medical first aid station, nursing center (station), clinic, health center (station, post) and healthcare station. (二)门诊部、医疗急救站、护理院(站)、诊所、卫生所(站、室)、保健所每年校验1次。
- A public health center in every city is provided under the health law. 根据卫生法,每个城市都设有一个公共医疗保健中心。
- The doctors worked at the Health Center. 这些医生们在医疗中心工作。
- Welcome to our recreation and health center. 欢迎您到康乐部。
- Confirmed site of Caduceus Medical Station (The Staff! ) (已确定的Caduceus医疗站点,就是图里的The Staff!)
- We are proud of our health center. 我们为我们的健身中心感到自豪。
- W.F.Pirl, an instructor in psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and an attending psychiatrist at Eric Lindemann Mental Health Center (ELMHC) in Boston. 他对精神病患者中有如此高的感染率感到吃惊,更好的检测和治疗手段应该对对精神性疾病是有帮助的。
- Waiting at the medic station down the mountain, Joni Corbett knew only what was relayed by radio. 在山下的医疗点等待着的科贝特仅仅知道收音机转播的情况。
- The nurses are treating me well at The Davies Health Center. 我的健康状态非常好,现在进行休息只会让我变得懒惰和不舒服。
- F.Pirl, an instructor in psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and an attending psychiatrist at Eric Lindemann Mental Health Center (ELMHC) in Boston. 他对精神病患者中有如此高的感染率感到吃惊,更好的检测和治疗手段应该对对精神性疾病是有帮助的。
- Pirl, an instructor in psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and an attending psychiatrist at Eric Lindemann Mental Health Center (ELMHC) in Boston. 他对精神病患者中有如此高的感染率感到吃惊,更好的检测和治疗手段应该对对精神性疾病是有帮助的。
- By the way,where is the Medical Station?I want to have a look at the apparatus there. 对了,医疗站在什么地方?
- Matthew Shepard dies at Poudre Valley Health Center after5 days in a coma. 马菲·柏昏迷五天后在旁德谷健康中心逝世。
- The health center is open from 6: 00 a. m. to 12: 00 midnight including Sunday. 健身中心从早晨6:00到午夜12:00都开放,星期天也是如此。
- Zheng Shuming goes to work the great day cement Limited company only needs 10 minutes to the medical station, sometimes the headache gets up, he even thought that this Duan Ludu is that long. 郑书明上班的弘天水泥有限公司离医疗站只需走10来分钟,有时头痛起来,他甚至觉得这段路都是那么漫长。
- The Ruijin Dianshan Lake Medical Care &Health Center, which is affiliated to Shanghai Ruijin Hospital Group, is located in the hotel and able to provide you with healthy life oriented services like physical examination and health caring. 宾馆内上海瑞金医院集团所属的瑞金·淀山湖医疗保健中心,还能为您提供追求保健人生的健康检查和保健服务。
- Mister Clinton started health centers in public schools. 克林顿在公立学校开设了健康中心,
- Historians say Beethoven visited health centers called spas. 历史学家说贝多芬拜访过名叫“矿泉疗养院”的健康中心。
- Lebanese police say a gunman shot and killed 31-year-old [] as she let him in to the health center where she worked. 黎巴嫩的警方说:当(被害者)让这个人(枪手)进入她所工作的那个诊所(医疗中心之类)时,这个枪手向她开枪并杀死了她(死者年方31)。
- Defensive Operations (researched at the HQ) is required to enable healing at Panzer Elite Medical stations. 装甲精英升级民用建筑为医疗站需要先升级基地的“防御行动”。